Peer review 1 week 4

Today I have chosen to peer review Charlotte’s blog post.

Hey, Charlotte I just read through your recent blog for 19th Century Literature and I have to say you have done a great job of capturing what you have learned about slavery during the romantic period. You made a point on how this period brings the idealisation of imagination and celebration and worship of nature to the hearts and minds of its readers but overshadows the harsh reality of the times this movement was set in with slavery still being a very real issue at the time. Using William Cowper’s poetry you have brilliantly reflected your own learning about slavery in the Romantic period and I have to say I too have taken something away from reading through this blog post. Keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more soon :).

Blog Post 1 Week 3

2 Find out some more about the monastery Tintern Abbey and its location and describe why and how you think Wordsworth was so inspired by the place.

Tintern Abbey was founded on the Welsh bank of the River Wye in 1131 and was the first Cistercian foundation in Wales but fell into ruin in the 16th century after the Dissolution of the Monasteries to be reclaimed by nature and the elements. Being situated on the banks of the Wye and surrounded by forested cliffs and hills nature is in abundance in this area and was subject to the poem ‘Tintern Abbey’ by William Wordsworth conveying experience through nature. I think Wordsworth was so inspired about the Abbey by how much had changed in the five years since his last visit to the area with nature having grown more abundant. The effect this had on Wordsworth inspired a course of reflection that brought him along a rout of present awareness and introspection finishing with hope for the future through change and natures power over the mind. Using detailed imagery to describe his experience Wordsworth is able to draw his readers closer into his own perceptions by creating a vivid image of the place in their minds inspiring them how he was inspired by the Abbey and the impact nature had on it and the surrounding buildings.